The Big Benefits of Renting Versus Buying Event & Party Equipment

Throwing any party or special occasion can be costly, stressful and time-consuming. We're here to help you with all of the above! Did you know there are many advantages of renting versus buying event and party equipment?

That's right! Unless you plan on throwing a massive party yearly, renting furniture, tables, chairs, linens, tents, and more for your upcoming wedding or event is almost always more advantageous. Below are just a few of the many reasons.

No Need to Pay for A Storage Facility


I don't know about you, but I don't want to store 150 folding chairs or tables in my garage. Or worse, spend money each month on a storage unit to keep things. The chances are slim that you'll often need access to that many linens, tables and chairs. It's better to leave the storage hassle to the pros and use the room in your attic or garage on other things.

No Maintenance and Constant Cleaning

The more you use your party equipment, the possibility of it breaking or wearing down over time increases. Not to mention getting dirt or stained after each event. Ensuring rental equipment stays in great shape and clean is part of what an experienced, reputable and reliable rental company does. Once something is worn down or gets old, they're the ones who'll be replacing things.

Rentals Cost Less in The Long Run


Buying a bunch of folding tables and chairs, tablecloths and linens, and commercial party tents can add up quickly! Using those things just a few times can become a big waste of money for you. To recoup that cost, you'd have to plan on having a huge event or party all the time. Renting those items when needed will save you money in the long run.

Event Rental Companies Have a Bigger Selection

A reputable rental company will have a much more extensive selection for you to choose from in their warehouse. You won't have to go from store to store or scour the internet to find what you want. A well-established company's inventory will have many styles and colors for you to make decisions immediately!

Experienced Team


Most rental companies will have knowledgeable staff to help you make the decisions needed for your upcoming occasion. They can help you determine exactly how many tables, chairs, and linens and how big of a party tent you'll need. They're the experts and that's what they are there for. Lean on them to help make it easier and less stressful for you!

Saves Time

And one of the most important things you'll get is your time back. Running around town trying to find the right event and party furniture, figuring out how many you need of what, and worrying about where you'll store things after the party can take up a LOT of your time. A reliable event rental company can help you knock all of these things out quickly, and you can spend all that extra time on things that need your attention. And you'll have peace of mind knowing you're in good hands with a company that handles event and party rentals all the time.



Renting your furniture and equipment is also a sustainable option. Since most people won't be throwing a huge party or special soiree yearly, everything they bought for their event would sit in storage and collect dust. Renting allows people to reuse the same equipment and not be wasteful.

Rental companies usually have a faster, more efficient way to transport and clean equipment and furniture.

At Hughes Event Rentals, we're reliable, experienced and our knowledgable team is here to help you with all of the above. Call, come by or email us anytime. We're looking forward to helping you and being a part of your next event!

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