Easy Outdoor Party Tent Decorating Ideas

*5 Easy Outdoor Party Tent Decorating Ideas That Can Create a Warm and Inviting Space

We're a big fan of having a party or event tent at any event. Dare I say they're our favorite thing to add to any special occasion? They are PERFECT on their own. But some people like to add a little something extra. So we've got a few ideas that we're sharing below!

Paper Lanterns - Decorating Ideas for Tents - Idea 1

Paper lanterns are one of the easiest ways to add color, personality and whimsy to an outdoor tent. Choosing different shapes, sizes and colors can easily create some depth and pops of color throughout.

Opting for plain white (or any other color) or choosing a mixed pattern can help create whatever atmosphere you want. Paper lanterns are a quick and inexpensive way to add to your event's theme.

Draped Fabric - Tent Decoration Idea 2

Draping fabric from the ceiling and/or tent poles is simple, elegant, and an instant upgrade to any party tent. Using lightweight and flowy material, start at the tent's top center, drape it to each pole, and tie off with ribbons. Or, you use pins or something else to be discreet.

It's a beautiful way to add color and charm to your event's aesthetic. Fabric draped ceilings and poles are truly the perfect touch.

Fairy Lights - Party Tent Decorating Idea 3

Another fun way to dress up an outdoor party tent is using fairy lights (or any other type). Fairy lights are tiny lights that are easy to wrap around tent poles, ceilings or draped on tent walls. It creates a beautiful atmosphere without being too much.

They can also be crisscrossed across the ceiling to create a warm, beautiful glow. Less is more when it comes to using lights, so it doesn't take a lot to get the look you're going for.

Hanging Floral Chandeliers - Event Tent Decor Idea 4

Another way to amp up the tent decor is by hanging one large or several smaller floral chandeliers. These elegant statements add so much to any event tent space. Choosing flowers in your color palette is a way to make things naturally flow and pull out the colors in your theme.

Opt for one large floral chandelier that serves as your statement focal point. Or use several smaller chandeliers and place them throughout the tent. This is another where less is definitely more.

Flameless Tea Light Candles in Clear Small Vases - Decorating Idea 5

Another subtle yet stunning option is hanging flameless tea light candles in mason jars or vase orbs at various heights through your tent. This creates depth and texture while adding an enchanting ambiance to your event.

It's a safer alternative to hanging actual candles but still gives you the same look. Depending on your overall decor, you can wrap the mason jars in rope, twine or decorate them any way you want.

Be Careful When Adding Tent Decorations to Any Tent

Of course, use caution and care if you use any of these ideas. Event tents are usually very tall, and ladders will need to be used. As easy as it seems to implement, it goes without saying that you should consult a professional or someone who knows what they're doing to do these things.

Have you ever done any of these things, or have you done something completely different? Let us know in the comments below.

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